Posts in Regional Housing Tax
☆ Expert questions SV Biz Journal's dubious panegyric on MTC housing bond

The Metropolitan Planning Commission's proposed bond, which would dump $10–20 bn across the state for nebulous “affordable housing” purposes, has been criticized by finance and policy professionals for being vague and misguided. Silicon Valley Business Journal recently published effusive laudation of the bond, dubbing it a “vital lifeline”—but gov't finance consultant Tom Rubin begs to differ. His Opp Now exclusive breakdown below.

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SJ CMs Doan and Batra take staff to task on “unsustainable” housing plan

After being shown SJ's latest Community Plan to End Homelessness report on 1.9, Councilmembers Bien Doan and Arjun Batra pulled no punches in critiquing its ever-mounting costs, lack of a stable funding source (read: unless we pass a $10–20 bn bond), and ridiculously unfeasible goals for housing. Their comments—earnest, frank, and thoughtful—excerpted below.

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